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Yummy Berry Muffins-Wheat/Gluten Free

Yummy Berry Muffins

Want a muffin without worrying about the sugar load? Try this yummy recipe.

1 1/3 cups Cashew or Almond Flour

1 1/4 cups Amazing Flour Mix (recipe in A Wheat-free Life vs the Holidays)

1/2 tsp pure Stevia (no additives)

2 tsp baking powder

1/2 tsp sea salt

4 organic eggs

1/4 cup organic cold pressed coconut oil

2 Tbsp pure maple syrup

2 tsp pure organic vanilla

1/3 cup of canned full fat coconut milk

1 1/2 cups berries of choice, like blueberries blackberries etc.

Cream together the eggs, coconut oil, coconut milk, vanilla and maple syrup. Then add the sea salt, baking powder and Stevia. Mix well then add the Nut flour and Amazing Flour mix. Lastly fold in the berries and add approximately 1/3 cup into a greased muffin tin.

Recipe makes 12 muffins

Bake at 375 degrees for 20 minutes

Amazing flour Mix:

2 cups brown rice flour (gluten free)

½ cup Tapioca Flour

½ cup Arrowroot Flour

1 Tbsp Xanthum gum

Mix well and store in an airtight container


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